I have been many people at many times and have followed my curiosities through life.

After my education I started as a painter and did this with a great ferocity for several years. The portfolios above are a testament to this activity- my subjects have been dark, beautiful, chaotic and luminous. I have been interested in the masks that we wear and the shrouds that we place over our desires. Fragmentation and history have also been themes. In my portraits I have tended towards focusing on eyes and removing expression. I have not been interested in spirits but have tried to evoke spiritualism.

My attention turned to film and I directed and produced a feature film, Sanctum and Sacrum, as well as several music videos with local Florida rock bands. I see the film as an extension of the previous paintings and the videos as a collaborative effort. You may view it on Amazon here.

It was around this time that I started painting less and began to run UNIT1, an alternative art space that had some success. The space acted as a bridge between the music and art scene and I believe that it was as vital as it could be in the two short years that it operated. A video series of performances is archived here.

Throughout I have been an educator, first as an adjunct Professor at several Los Angeles colleges, and then as a full-time Professor of Art at Palm Beach State College where I have been for 14 years. Education has been the primary way I have paid the bills. I see the pedagogical process as another type of creativity and my students' work as a collaboration. Several of my students have gone on to great success and many have just enjoyed the process of actualizing their own gifts. I am always astonished by the magnitude of natural talent that is circulating among us and have felt privileged to work with so many people and help them to develop. 

At a certain point I began to take on more work and supervisory roles at Palm Beach State and although this led to less time for art activity, it helped to fund a new passion for travel. With a characteristic ferocity, I visited 26 countries in six years and collected experiences and images that hopefully will appear in future artworks.